Louis Junker Headshot


Department of Business Development and Technology
Aarhus University
Birk Centerpark 15
7400, Herning

Louis Junker-Jensen

Welcome. I am a PhD student enrolled in a three-year program at Department of Business Development and Technology at Aarhus University. Interested in a broad field of topics, I mostly work within personnel economics and is inspired by data science. My PhD research mainly deals with labour supply and human capital acquisition. I have a focus on nurses and the labour supply shortage several OECD countries are facing.

I recently picked up programming in my spare time, where I try to make fun automation projects and other personal projects. I use these project to learn Python since most of my data analysis is done in R and STATA.

As a part of my PhD I'm currently visiting McGill University in Montréal, QC. Here I work as a Graduate Research Trainee at the Department of Economics.

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